Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Get Fit with Mel B (PS3) Review


Lets go back to the first time I played. I figured, Im not *that* out of shape. I should be able to do this 30 minute exercise like a champ. What a mistake that was. Twelve minutes into my workout with Mel B, I am sweating profusely and dying for water. Ive already ripped off my drenched work clothes and donned some running shorts just to keep cool. I pause the game and take a ten minute break and get some water. The only thing that is running through my head is, Why isnt Mel B sweating? Im dying here! Not to be defeated, I un-pause the game and force my sore and stiff limbs to match Mel B as close as I can. I can only make it another ten minutes before I have to take another break, this time though, Mel B is going for a drink of water as well. Heh, Not so tough, I say under panting breath. As I watch the clock tick by, my legs are begging me to forget the game, but I cant let her win. I decide to power through. Thankfully, there is a three minute cool down of the work-out at the very end. It was almost rewarding to be free of any strenuous activity. At the end, I see how many calories Ive burned and how well I performed doing certain exercises. It took me 50 minutes to complete a 30 minute work out.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/WeTiD

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