The main exercise routines can best be described as kickboxing aerobics routines much like Tae Bo. Instead of looking at Billy Blanks though, you get to hang with Mel B. During the routines, you appear on screen next to her, and will likely have to adjust your camera a bit to get yourself into the body outline on the screen. Once calibrated, you're asked if you have any weight equipment you'd like to incorporate, like ankle weights or an exercise ball. Thankfully these are optional, and frugal-minded purchasers will also be happy to know that only one Move controller is required. After that, Mel B walks you through a practice rep of the upcoming exercise, setting the amount of reps you are to do and counting them down as you go. These sessions last half an hour and you'll be doing lots of different moves, some requiring only 8 reps and others going over 40. To keep from getting worn out, you'll definitely want to pace yourself and have some water ready (Mel gives you a short water break at about the twenty minute mark.) The variety of aerobic techniques is impressive, and the game boasts over 200 available exercises, which really helps to keep daily routines from getting too repetitive.