Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Get Fit With Mel B =?unknown-8bit?B?4oA=?= =?unknown-8bit?Q?=93?= Review


Once the game gets to know you, you can boot it up and, if you choose to do so, go to Todays Workout where it will have a bunch of different exercises for you to do. Mel B will be there the whole time guiding you and showing you the proper way to perform the exercise they have given you. They have a number of different backgrounds for you to choose from ranging from an apartment, Central Park, an Infinity Pool and more. This change of scenery should prevent things from going stale as you can change where you are every day before you begin so you never bored with any one location. Each day your workout routine will be a little different so that you can work on different muscular areas similar to what you would do if you were working out at a gym. Before you start you can set how long you want to work out as well as your goals so that you are always working towards something. As I was going through the motions the Playstation Move seemed to pick up my movements pretty well. It seemed to miss things every once in a while but that could be due to my current set up. Its probably not the most ideal for these types of game. With that said however I did have fun going through the exercises and the Move controller seemed to be pretty responsive. If I can offer one word of advice it would be to make sure that you are firmly gripping the controller before you do any exercises. If you dont the controller might slip out of your hand and injure someone or something.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/OQ3xB

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