MM: The game is big on nutrition as well â€" what sort of research went into creating the healthy eating sections?
Phil Marley: One of the cool things about the way the game works behind the scenes is that it dynamically structures your workouts: it picks the exercises that make up each days workout based on your needs and your goals, and individually tailors each exercise according to your strengths and weaknesses: so if we both need a chest and arms exercise, you might get 16 full push-ups, whereas I get 12 push-ups on my knees. This mimics the way a personal trainer works: everythings custom-made for the client. It has the benefit that you get a different workout every day. We did the same with the nutrition system: rather than creating set menus that you follow, we worked with a top nutritionist to create a system that takes into account your age, sex, height and weight, your goals and your food preferences (you can specify that you dont eat beef, pork, chicken, fish, shellfish, nuts, dairy, eggs and so on and well take that into account) and then creates a menu plan especially for you.
You too could have a body like this
Our nutritionist, Carina Norris, wanted to go beyond normal weight loss and weight control diets and actually improve peoples general health as well, so the meal plan system factors in nutritional guidelines such as not including red meat in your diet too often, having oily fish a certain number of times per week, and so on. Then, as the final stage, we actually adjust each individual recipe (and there are 140 of them) for your needs, so you might get an extra scoop of rice or a bread roll, but because I need to lose a bit more weight my version of that same recipe wont include those. What all this gives you is a menu thats unique to you and your needs.