Thursday, November 11, 2010

Chris vs. Get Fit With Mel B Day 1

Before you get into the workout you can see what you are going to be doing. My first workout was going to be some cardio kickboxing or as the game calls it Combat. I was fine with this because back in the day I took karate and have a black belt. I was ready to go, but I first had to calibrate the camera. This is rather simple, all you have to do is stand in the outline the game puts on screen. I had a little trouble doing this though as I have a small room, but it didn't seem to hamper my workout too much. So as with any workout you start with a few stretches. I then had 30 min of heart-pounding cardio kickboxing action. I did pretty well for my first time with the game. There was really only one exercise that it didn't pick up me doing, but I was fine with that. I got a silver medal for the workout today! I also had to pick how I felt today's workout went. The options were either too easy, just right, or too hard. I picked just right because I was sweating, but I didn't feel like dying or anything.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser

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