Thursday, November 11, 2010

Get Fit With Mel B. Game

Now it's time for Get Fit with Mel B.. I have to admit I had to go out and purchase the Playstation Move bundle just to review this game â€" something I had never planned on purchasing because after spending several hours with the setup as a press event Sony had here in Washington D.C., I came to the same conclusion that every major non-gaming centric publication from the Washington Post to the Wall Street Journal had: The Playstation Move is highly underwhelming and the motion detection abilities of the tandem is actually far inferior to a regular Wiimote, much less the Wiimote with Wiimotion Plus. I went out and bought that since Deep Silver sent me a review copy for three reasons: I wanted to make sure people got an actual in-depth (possibly way too long) review of this game, I love Deep Silver because they gave me the Secret Files series and because I truly care about people getting this genre right. Hell, I played this game to a depth that even Aubrey Norris, the PR rep for Deep Silver was shocked by. She's left comments here and there on my Facebook like, OMG! and, You are a MACHINE! as I unlocked trophies 99% of people shouldn't be able to get until they had played the game for a fortnight to a month of hard exercising. For you, the public, I crammed in 36 workouts into roughly a week â€" something none of you should be insane enough to try at home, ESPECIALLY if you don't work out regularly now. Yes my body is sore, but at least you're getting a review from someone who played the game more than 2-3 times (at most) and then wrote a review that was 50% ignorance and 50% Yay! I did ten push-ups! 9/10! Ugh.

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