Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Get Fit With Mel B - Further Your Life In Positive Ways With This Fitness Game

Another unique item found in Get Fit With Mel B is the nutrition area. As anyone will tell you a good workout will only get you so far, you also have to eat healthy. Get Fit With Mel B offers a nice variety of foods for each of your three daily meals as well as snack and dessert suggestions. The food is very easy to make, using the recipes provided, I cooked a nice scrambled egg breakfast, made a healthy ham sandwich for lunch, and with some variations to the provided recipe enjoyed a healthy piece of salmon for dinner. The nutrition area only goes so far and most, if not all of the games users will not want to turn on the game just to read a recipe. With the PlayStation 3 supporting printing via a network setup a great addition could have been a print option for the recipes to make them more useful for the average user.

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