Tuesday, November 30, 2010

@ayeeeEthiopiaan well my cousin is a stripper and his friends their hot so i get in where i fit in with them hahaha

@ayeeeEthiopiaan well my cousin is a stripper and his friends their hot so i get in where i fit in with them hahaha http://melbgame.com/JeZmR

getfitwithmelb: RT @geeksugar: How many @PlayStation Move controllers have been sold? Take a guess here:

getfitwithmelb: RT @geeksugar: How many @PlayStation Move controllers have been sold? Take a guess here: http://melbgame.com/YYdKa

@PleaseHateChris I'm U know me I get in where I fit in and still talking shit and treating DUDES! Lol

@PleaseHateChris I'm U know me I get in where I fit in and still talking shit and treating DUDES! Lol http://melbgame.com/UV6K3

getfitwithmelb: A Holiday Gift Guide Giveaway from @momof2dancers! Enter to win your own copy of Get Fit with Mel B, her

getfitwithmelb: A Holiday Gift Guide Giveaway from @momof2dancers! Enter to win your own copy of Get Fit with Mel B, her http://melbgame.com/GdDk9

5 Fitness Games to Help You Work Off Thanksgiving Dinner


Get Fit With Mel B (0)
Another PlayStation Move title, Get Fit With Mel B seems like it would be a good alternative to the gym; mostly cause Mel B is ripped, and if this helps her stay fit, it's gotta work for me, right? http://melbgame.com/CT1IU

Get Fit with Mel B (PS3) Review


Lets go back to the first time I played. I figured, Im not *that* out of shape. I should be able to do this 30 minute exercise like a champ. What a mistake that was. Twelve minutes into my workout with Mel B, I am sweating profusely and dying for water. Ive already ripped off my drenched work clothes and donned some running shorts just to keep cool. I pause the game and take a ten minute break and get some water. The only thing that is running through my head is, Why isnt Mel B sweating? Im dying here! Not to be defeated, I un-pause the game and force my sore and stiff limbs to match Mel B as close as I can. I can only make it another ten minutes before I have to take another break, this time though, Mel B is going for a drink of water as well. Heh, Not so tough, I say under panting breath. As I watch the clock tick by, my legs are begging me to forget the game, but I cant let her win. I decide to power through. Thankfully, there is a three minute cool down of the work-out at the very end. It was almost rewarding to be free of any strenuous activity. At the end, I see how many calories Ive burned and how well I performed doing certain exercises. It took me 50 minutes to complete a 30 minute work out.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/WeTiD

Get Fit with Mel B PS3 Game Giveaway


High Value from Cutting Edge Technology: Just because something is new, doesn't mean it has to break the bank â€" and Get Fit with Mel B is no exception. Mel B will put you through high intensity workouts and serve as your own personal trainer, all for less than the cost of a gym membership! http://melbgame.com/cHlt4

lose belly fat with aerobic exercise

how to lose belly fat with aerobic exercise http://melbgame.com/cSaOS

Monday, November 29, 2010

tryna get in where i fit in. . . no "ROOM" . . 4 a soon 4 a BE ON MOTHER FUCKER

tryna get in where i fit in. . . no "ROOM" . . 4 a soon 4 a BE ON MOTHER FUCKER http://melbgame.com/4Lg2p

getfitwithmelb: RT @gimmemotalk: NEW EPISODE: MO' & Mel B talk Health & Fitness

getfitwithmelb: RT @gimmemotalk: NEW EPISODE: MO' & Mel B talk Health & Fitness http://melbgame.com/BRGAF

@hosting4less sure did lol! RT TheDamn_BRE: I had to get two plates cause everything wouldn't fit on one plate! Lol

@hosting4less sure did lol! RT TheDamn_BRE: I had to get two plates cause everything wouldn't fit on one plate! Lol http://melbgame.com/ghzxK

getfitwithmelb: A great =?unknown-8bit?Q?i?= =?unknown-8bit?Q?nterview!_RT_=40Fitzness=3A_Mel_B_talks_Fitness=2C_Sex_a?= =?unknown-8bit?Q?nd_Dancing_=E2=80=93?= A Fitzness Interview via

getfitwithmelb: A great interview! RT @Fitzness: Mel B talks Fitness, Sex and Dancing â€" A Fitzness Interview via http://melbgame.com/dGA67

Daily Wii Tips, Cheats, Mods, & Hacks: Helen Mirren given a king's ransom to get (Wii) fit

Daily Wii Tips, Cheats, Mods, & Hacks: Helen Mirren given a king's ransom to get (Wii) fit http://melbgame.com/DEK69

The Chip Chick lists Get Fit with Mel B as a top pick in The Ultimate Girl Gamers Video Game Guide for the Holidays!

The Chip Chick lists Get Fit with Mel B as a top pick in The Ultimate Girl Gamers Video Game Guide for the Holidays! http://melbgame.com/PlzpG

getfitwithmelb: Check it out-->The Ultimate Girl Gamers Video Game Guide for the Holidays from @chip-chick:

getfitwithmelb: Check it out-->The Ultimate Girl Gamers Video Game Guide for the Holidays from @chip-chick: http://melbgame.com/AynQW

Get Fit with Mel B PS3 Game Giveaway


Options for all Levels of Experience: Brand new to the world of fitness? No problem â€" Get Fit with Mel
B includes tutorials and demonstrations of each exercise as well as a comprehensive practice mode so you can get comfortable with the moves that Mel B has picked out for you. Experienced in the world of workouts and looking to enhance your routine? Get Fit with Mel B includes options to incorporate your existing workout equipment such as fitballs and resistance bands into the workout for even higher intensity. http://melbgame.com/MYJom

Cheap Personal Trainer


At a low price of 9.99, fans will be able to hire their own private personal trainer. There is now no need for expensive personal trainer plus gym membership! By purchasing the game, the player is hiring Mel B as their own private trainer and she will take the players in every step in losing the fats.
Get Fit with Mel B can be considered as one of the best Fitness games to hit the market aside from EA Sports Active. While the exercises work great for anyone who wishes to lose weight and get fit, its still not a replacement for a real gym. With over 200 exercises and customizable workout routines, that fit body is in the grasp of your hands only if you are dedicated in achieving that goal. At a price of 9.99, you are not only hiring a personal trainer, you are also giving yourself some slack in driving up to the gym.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/di9oD

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Living in a Spice World: Mel B Talks Fitness, Mommyhood and More


Not wanting the conversation to end, I sought to discover a few unconventional things about the lovely Mel B. I was delighted to find out that she loves pizza and burgers. And even though she's super focused on exercising and eating right (and doing it in the public eye), she indulges in her guilty pleasures about once a week. Also, she laughingly admitted that she's kind of a bit obsessed with Twitter and told us to look her up (@officialmelb). And remember when Mel was on Dancing with the Stars a few seasons back? She told us she absolutely loved the experience and reminisced with us about how it was hard work, but great. Since I was (ok, am...) a huge Spice Girls fan, I couldn't end this interview without asking the memorable, formerly frizzy-haired British megastar about her experience with international fame. What was her favorite part about being a Spice? I got to travel the world with my four best friends, she said. And, as anyone would suspect, the five Spices really were a family unit. One minute wed argue, and the next minute wed drop it, Mel said of the girls' tight-knit bond. Going on holiday together (gotta love that British lingo!), jetting around the globe, singing your heart out to your own catchy pop hits--spicing up your life has never sounded so good. http://melbgame.com/9ZFxM

Get Fit with Mel B PS3 Game Giveaway


Attention to Overall Wellness: Fitness doesn't just include working hard and exercising â€" attention to nutrition is also important! In Get Fit with Mel B, you'll not only receive daily workouts to help you reach your goals, but you'll also receive daily meal plans and recipes to make sure you are eating right and have proper nutrition for a strong body. http://melbgame.com/9I4GC

Use Personal Training Equipments


Prior to starting the game, Mel B will ask if the player has any training equipment such as elastic strength band to use with the workout. If a player doesnt have those, its okay as its not really required. For those gamers who do have the equipments mentioned in the game, more exercises solely for that equipment will be available to fully strengthen those muscles.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/5omf3

aerobic exercise programs

what are the benefits of aerobic exercise programs http://melbgame.com/sLgOb

Get Fit With Mel B. Game


If you were to ask me what I want, what I really, really want from an exercise game, I would definitely say I already have all in Get Fit with Mel B. Of course thats what I want. The average gamer or person who is considering using a video game system for exercise purposes will more than likely balk at the combined cost of buying Playstation Move and this game, not to mention the optional ancillary items needed to maximize the potential of this title. For those that make the investment however, youll find a game that does nearly everything right, from high definition video footage of Mel Scary Spice B. doing exercises correctly instead of a horribly animated virtual trainer to the Playstation Eye displaying you on the screen next to her to ensure you are doing your reps correctly and at the same pace as your virtual Spice Girl trainer. Think of Get Fit with Mel B. as the exercise game equivalent of Panzer Dragoon Saga. Yes youre going to shell out a lot for it, but if you have the cash and the desire, is it ever worth it.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/dEGCO

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Living in a Spice World: Mel B Talks Fitness, Mommyhood and More


Brown has wanted to be a mom since she was 12 years old, she said. Growing up she was surrounded by kids, and getting pregnant at 16 years old was not uncommon for many of the girls in her childhood community. She forced herself to wait to have kids until she was financially secure and able to give them a stable and happy life, but she always had the urge to become a mommy. Getting pregnant at 24 years old with her first child, Phoenix, who's now 11, seemed to her like waiting a lifetime! With her psychological preparation for the role of mom and the fact that she's been a mother for over a decade now, nothing surprises her about parenting, she admitted. http://melbgame.com/Ve17c

Holiday Gift Guide Get Fit With Mel B


Instead of making a New Year's Resolution to get fit, I made a promise to myself that I would start taking better care of my body. This decision was too important to put off so I decided that while transforming our new home, I would transform myself as well. So far I'm doing really good. I've been using the PlayStation Move and Get Fit with Mel B (PlayStation 3) as part of my fitness regimen. It's fun and works every single part of your body. I started out slow and I have noticed a big change in my mood and energy. If you plan on getting in shape or if you are looking for something to help you stay in shape, I recommend highly recommend this. http://melbgame.com/WknpN

aerobic exercise at home

how to get aerobic exercise at home http://melbgame.com/jOOoQ

Get Fit with Mel B PS3 Game Giveaway


Completely Individualized Training: Everyone has different fitness goals and Get Fit with Mel B is designed to help you drill down to your specific needs by setting program goals and tuning the entire experience exclusively to you. Whether you're looking to get toned for the beach, train for sports or simply de-stress, Mel B has a workout plan with exercises specifically picked out for your needs.
Social Network Integration: Be proud of your hard work! Share your accomplishments alongside Mel B with the program's optional facebook integration tool and show off your progress to your friends. http://melbgame.com/WIRuF

Nutrition Meals


Included in the game are recipes for anyone who wishes to lose weight and burn those calories off with the game. Expect a lot of recipes for delicious food that contain less calories. The food included here is good for anyone who wants to get on the diet program. From breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack meals, anyone can just go to the Nutrition Menu and jot down the ingredients. To fully take advantage of the game, eating less than 1200 calories is recommended to actually lose weight while doing the exercises in the game.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/eyIK3

Get Fit With Mel B. Game


Overall, Get Fit with Mel B is arguably the best overall fitness game on the market

Modes: Incredible
Graphics: Unparalleled
Sound: Enjoyable
Replayability: Unparalleled
Balance: Great
Addictiveness: Good

FINAL SCORE: GOOD GAME! http://melbgame.com/TXXu7

Friday, November 26, 2010

on demand personal trainer programs

what are the best on demand personal trainer programs http://melbgame.com/3TK4e

Living in a Spice World: Mel B Talks Fitness, Mommyhood and More


In addition to strutting her bangin' bod around town, Mel B is a dedicated mom. Asked how she would describe her parenting style, she responded, Im fun but Im strict. Not surprising coming from a woman who was a single mom for 6 years! The hardest part about that time in her life, she admitted, was having to balance everything. You have to be a dad and a mom, and do everything yourself, Mel said, It can be tiring. But, as always, the benefits of parenting far outweigh the costs. The first thing that popped into Mel's head when we asked her to reflect on the word mom was the amount of cuddles and kisses you get from your kids. I love it. http://melbgame.com/NMdFD

Holiday Gift Guide Get Fit With Mel B


Get Fit with Mel B is a huge leap forward in the home fitness field and will help you lose the pounds, get in shape or reach a new level of health.
From PlayStation's website http://melbgame.com/0U50R

Get Fit with Mel B PS3 Game Giveaway


Workout Alongside Mel B On Screen: Forget cartoon avatars â€" in Get Fit with Mel B you get the real deal in high-definition. It'll just be you with Mel B at your side, coaching you through workouts and providing constant, real-time feedback on your performance. http://melbgame.com/aeDMr

Techonology of the PlayStation Move


When playing Get Fit with Mel B, using the PlayStation Move controller is highly recommended to track real time performance. The game can be played without the Move controller but the system wont be able to recognize the move and give the player the statistics they want to see such as how many calories are burned. Before a player can start the intense workout, the game must scan the body physics of the player three times from center, left, and right. Following the scanning, the player will then choose the workout routines and off to the thirty to whatever amount of minutes of workout a player can do. http://melbgame.com/VSitx

Get Fit With Mel B. Game


Get Fit with Mel B. is a well made game and although the majority of people that will buy this are looking for a quick fix and will put this down like their other exercise games or diet fads, people that are serious about physical fitness will find this game to be well worth coming back to on a regular basis.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/PUQi1

Thursday, November 25, 2010

getfitwithmelb: Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Get Fit with Mel B! We love active traditions on Turkey day--what's

getfitwithmelb: Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Get Fit with Mel B! We love active traditions on Turkey day--what's http://melbgame.com/QnMD5

on demand personal trainer programs

what are the best on demand personal trainer programs http://melbgame.com/Veug5

Living in a Spice World: Mel B Talks Fitness, Mommyhood and More


How does anyone, let alone a celeb like Scary Spice herself (who, FYI, is not just the famous British pop singer, but also an actress, TV show host, and author), make time to exercise? She doesn't admit that it's easy. In Mel's experience, you have to set your priorities. She's got mouths to feed, kids to tote to and from school, young minds to help with homework, and a husband to spend time with. If she doesn't get a chance to work out during the day while the kids are at school, she does it after they go to bed. As a mother her first priority is her family, and because of this simple fact she schedule[s] around the kids, as opposed to scheduling her family time around her exercise routine. Lucky for Mel, she doesn't have to worry too much about getting great meals to compliment her healthy lifestyle. She supplements her home-cooked meals with meals from Freshology, a food delivery service--and to top it off, her movie producer husband Stephen Belafonte is a gourmet chef! http://melbgame.com/3YFzm

Holiday Gift Guide Get Fit With Mel B


In Get Fit with Mel B, you will appear on-screen alongside Mel. She will monitor your performance, giving tips on the improvement of form as well as encouragement when the going gets tough. Choose to work out in varied locations, tell Mel your goals, what kind of exercise equipment you have (such as dumbbells, resistance bands etc.) and she will tailor a program just for you. http://melbgame.com/DP7OZ

Get Fit with Mel B PS3 Game Giveaway


Get Fit with Mel B allows you to work out side-by-side with Mel B, known around the world for her fit physique and dedication to health and fitness. It's like you're working out with Mel B in real life â€" with real-time feedback and the motivation you need to reach your fitness goals. http://melbgame.com/ZVM1G

Personal Experience


Ive had Get Fit with Mel B for almost two weeks now. Since then, Ive been using it everyday for a whole thirty minute workout. For players who are not use to exercising, expect to feel some muscle pain after the first day of extreme exercise. As Im doing a personal workout at the gym a couple of times every week, doing the exercise with Mel B wasnt that hard, but for my mom who doesnt really exercise much she felt ome pain on her feet…

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/TgbdC

Get Fit With Mel B. Game


Is the game good enough that youll keep coming back to it every day? Well yes, but you really shouldnt exercise every day. Doing a full workout every single day doesnt give your body a chance to recover or actually heal. Which is why Im incensed that there is a trophy for working out every day for fourteen straight days in this game. Even EAs 30 Day Challenge had you take a break every third day. Like the push-ups this is one of two minor (but potentially harmful) issues in the game. I know some people love their trophies and gamer score but this really isnt one you should be trying for unless youre already in excellent shape.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/Vl6o4

OfficialMelB: @NadineWorldwide hey my love just worked with Leon for the last 4 days in London he said to say hi,FYI aft

OfficialMelB: @NadineWorldwide hey my love just worked with Leon for the last 4 days in London he said to say hi,FYI aft http://melbgame.com/Ku9W8

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

OfficialMelB: RT @HomoAsbo: @OfficialMelB Hey Mel, my It Gets Better video Spread the word :) Rich x

OfficialMelB: RT @HomoAsbo: @OfficialMelB Hey Mel, my It Gets Better video Spread the word :) Rich x http://melbgame.com/PEoBq

OfficialMelB: @CherylBurke good luck girl friend I'm routing for ya!!

OfficialMelB: @CherylBurke good luck girl friend I'm routing for ya!! http://melbgame.com/WQ7BP

OfficialMelB: Ahhh blue peter

OfficialMelB: Ahhh blue peter http://melbgame.com/1sB8F

getfitwithmelb: RT =?unknown-8bit?Q?=40fit?= =?unknown-8bit?Q?sugar=3A_It's_not_too_late_to_healthify_your_T-day_=E2?= =?unknown-8bit?B?gJTCoHRyeQ==?= one of these recipes:

getfitwithmelb: RT @fitsugar: It's not too late to healthify your T-day â€" try one of these recipes: http://melbgame.com/Ktcpl

OfficialMelB: The set is green screen and my outfits are hot!!

OfficialMelB: The set is green screen and my outfits are hot!! http://melbgame.com/QHQ20

getfitwithmelb: Mel B has amazing fans! RT @riccardospice: @OfficialMelB promoting @getfitwithmelb in Italy - Here's my

getfitwithmelb: Mel B has amazing fans! RT @riccardospice: @OfficialMelB promoting @getfitwithmelb in Italy - Here's my http://melbgame.com/Inlmj

OfficialMelB: But "get fit with Mel b" will be put at the end of this month!!! And wow does it work,it's all a

OfficialMelB: But "get fit with Mel b" will be put at the end of this month!!! And wow does it work,it's all a http://melbgame.com/EtAKS

OfficialMelB: Just getting my hair done getting ready to film my last dance for my dance video game ahhhhhh but not out

OfficialMelB: Just getting my hair done getting ready to film my last dance for my dance video game ahhhhhh but not out http://melbgame.com/hChlK

Living in a Spice World: Mel B Talks Fitness, Mommyhood and More


Former Spice Girl turned fitness guru, Mel B is 35-year-old supermom who is currently launching her own exercise game to help you get into shape. Get Fit with Mel B is an interactive game for Play Station Move where you work out alongside Melanie Brown, or Mel B if you're going with stage names, who plays the role of your personal trainer and encourager. In the game, a digital version of the former pop superstar stands next to a 3D version of you on screen. As you follow her lead through rounds of exercises, her peppy attitude serves as encouragement, while her still-flat-after-two-kids abs serve as an incentive to get your butt movin'. Because what's cooler than an in-home personal trainer? A hot one with a British accent! In an exclusive interview with the fitness guru herself, Modern Mom got the latest scoop about all things Mel B. http://melbgame.com/taP4l

Holiday Gift Guide Get Fit With Mel B


The program includes a wide variety of exercises designed to develop strength, tone, flexibility and aerobic fitness and is complemented by full nutritional advice, which includes recipes and shopping lists based on your unique goals, likes and dislikes. It's like having a real personal fitness coach right there in your home! http://melbgame.com/tkTyH

Get Fit with Mel B PS3 Game Giveaway


Get Fit with Mel B is a cutting-edge, at-home fitness program that puts you on screen with Mel B â€" Spice Girl, Dancing with the Stars finalist, host of Oxygen's Dance Your A** Off and star of the Style series Mel B: It's a Scary World http://melbgame.com/6l3In

Get Fit With Mel B. Game


This is the first workout game for the PS3 and the first to use Move technology (such as it is) but there have been a lot of exercise games released in the past few years â€" almost all on the Wii and almost all of them terrible. There have been games that use a camera but not video footage of a real trainer, and there have been games that do the exact opposite. Get Fit with Mel B. is the first game to actual address every single bitch and moan Ive had with the entire genre of exercise gaming and do the things that need to be done in order to minimize poor technique and/or injury. Sure the game is the latest in a constantly growing genre and it really doesnt do anything other games havent done before it, but its the first to really take the best aspects of the best games and put them into a single title. Thats something at least.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/fZb5q

OfficialMelB: @RochelleTheSats you always look hot come on now!!!! But I do no what you mean there's nothing like gettin

OfficialMelB: @RochelleTheSats you always look hot come on now!!!! But I do no what you mean there's nothing like gettin http://melbgame.com/3Na25

OfficialMelB: Yes my peeps Mel b it's a scary world is on every week on fiver!!!

OfficialMelB: Yes my peeps Mel b it's a scary world is on every week on fiver!!! http://www.getfitwithmelb.com/EN-us/

OfficialMelB: Omg dancing to wannabe on for my new dance video your gonna love it!!!

OfficialMelB: Omg dancing to wannabe on for my new dance video your gonna love it!!! http://melbgame.com/rya6o

OfficialMelB: I'm going tweet mad,ok guys I gotta go on set Now I love you all!!

OfficialMelB: I'm going tweet mad,ok guys I gotta go on set Now I love you all!! http://melbgame.com/2U3bv

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

OfficialMelB: @sammartinjones ahhhhhhhh I love that house soo many memories and partys of course!!

OfficialMelB: @sammartinjones ahhhhhhhh I love that house soo many memories and partys of course!! http://melbgame.com/8O4ps

OfficialMelB: @zillybee loving it's in southafrica tell everyone!!

OfficialMelB: @zillybee loving it's in southafrica tell everyone!! http://melbgame.com/kSAAJ

getfitwithmelb: @chris_stroud Thanks for asking! Unfortunately we only work w/ Get Fit in the Our guess is to track dow

getfitwithmelb: @chris_stroud Thanks for asking! Unfortunately we only work w/ Get Fit in the Our guess is to track dow http://melbgame.com/kDxHk

OfficialMelB: @CamillaBerthier I just did with ludicrous it's on my last episode

OfficialMelB: @CamillaBerthier I just did with ludicrous it's on my last episode http://melbgame.com/zW0ER

getfitwithmelb: Living in a Spice World--Mel B (@OfficialMelB) talks fitness, mommyhood & more w/ @modernmom! Read t

getfitwithmelb: Living in a Spice World--Mel B (@OfficialMelB) talks fitness, mommyhood & more w/ @modernmom! Read t http://melbgame.com/cV7dz

OfficialMelB: @Niksta76 exactly,thankyou

OfficialMelB: @Niksta76 exactly,thankyou http://melbgame.com/AOntM

Living in a Spice World-- Mel B talks fitness, mommyhood and more with Brooke Burke's blog, ModernMOM! Read the complete

Living in a Spice World-- Mel B talks fitness, mommyhood and more with Brooke Burke's blog, ModernMOM! Read the complete http://melbgame.com/wXqhk

getfitwithmelb: Tonight's the finale! Who will win? Here's who @OfficialMelB is rooting for: (@peoplemag)

getfitwithmelb: Tonight's the finale! Who will win? Here's who @OfficialMelB is rooting for: (@peoplemag) http://melbgame.com/hanP7

OfficialMelB: @rochellethesats is the best

OfficialMelB: @rochellethesats is the best http://melbgame.com/5vpZZ

A great review from the It's My Life blog--Bridget is incorporating Get Fit with Mel B as part of her resolution to lead

A great review from the It's My Life blog--Bridget is incorporating Get Fit with Mel B as part of her resolution to lead http://melbgame.com/n3wfX

getfitwithmelb: RT @bridget3420: It's My Life: HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE : Get Fit with Mel B (PlayStation 3) @bridget

getfitwithmelb: RT @bridget3420: It's My Life: HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE : Get Fit with Mel B (PlayStation 3) @bridget http://melbgame.com/78YQA

OfficialMelB: Glad your loving the show in australia thank you guys!!

OfficialMelB: Glad your loving the show in australia thank you guys!! http://melbgame.com/BJtQs

getfitwithmelb: RT @officialmelb: But "get fit with Mel b" will be put at the end of this month!!! And wow doe

getfitwithmelb: RT @officialmelb: But "get fit with Mel b" will be put at the end of this month!!! And wow doe http://melbgame.com/FdxNE

OfficialMelB: Altiyon won factor in Aussie soooooooo happy for him does anyone no his tweet name,who came second?

OfficialMelB: Altiyon won factor in Aussie soooooooo happy for him does anyone no his tweet name,who came second? http://melbgame.com/rsQen

at home personal trainer programs what are the best

at home personal trainer programs http://melbgame.com/wKCRq

Holiday Gift Guide Get Fit With Mel B


Get Fit with Mel B is a comprehensive fitness program created by world-famous Spice Girl Mel B in partnership with leading health experts. The program takes advantage of Sony's brand new Move technology, allowing for a one-on-one fitness experience like no other. http://melbgame.com/vwqzi

Get Fit with Mel B PS3 Game Giveaway


Do you have a PS3 and want to get in shape? There is a new game for the PS3 called Get Fit with Mel B! I do not have a PS3 so I have not personally used the game and can not offer you a review. I can tell you about it though! http://melbgame.com/FdjfV

Players Must be Dedicated


Before you even think of picking this game up, make sure that you are dedicated to be fit and that losing your weight is a strong priority. Get Fit with Mel B will not magically make the player fit and toned without doing all of the hard work. Thanks to the hard efforts of Mel B, players can now do aerobics and cardio thanks to the power of the PlayStation Eye.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/TGeB1

Get Fit With Mel B. Game


The more you play the game the less youll use the generated workouts and the more youll go for ones that you make yourself since youll know what you need to work on and maybe want to do more reps dealing with shoulders and less with pectorals for example. I honestly cant think of anything negative to say here in the balance department save for the issues with nutrition and the fact some of those meals simply arent very good for you (or tasty!).

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/I78V4

OfficialMelB: I love London,even if it is cold hahahaha

OfficialMelB: I love London,even if it is cold hahahaha http://melbgame.com/Wyhrr

OfficialMelB: You guys are the best there will be more music from me just trust!!

OfficialMelB: You guys are the best there will be more music from me just trust!! http://melbgame.com/IPx9q

OfficialMelB: Omg nearly done!!!!! Last day shooting I hurt all over and I like it

OfficialMelB: Omg nearly done!!!!! Last day shooting I hurt all over and I like it http://melbgame.com/T6POn

Monday, November 22, 2010

personal trainer programs

what are the best personal trainer programs http://melbgame.com/Dcl23

personal trainer programs

what are the best personal trainer programs http://melbgame.com/2oXtF

getfitwithmelb: @chris_stroud @buffyfan84 Hi fans! Haven't heard anything yet, but we'll let you know!

getfitwithmelb: @chris_stroud @buffyfan84 Hi fans! Haven't heard anything yet, but we'll let you know! http://melbgame.com/1rIYH

getfitwithmelb: RT @rhoneygee: Get Fit with Mel B (PS3 platform) at Mommy's Memorandum! Ends 12/04

getfitwithmelb: RT @rhoneygee: Get Fit with Mel B (PS3 platform) at Mommy's Memorandum! Ends 12/04 http://melbgame.com/g8TDL

Check out Mel B on promoting Get Fit with Mel B in Milan!

Check out Mel B on promoting Get Fit with Mel B in Milan! http://melbgame.com/mniPx

getfitwithmelb: Check out @OfficialMelB in Milan promoting Get Fit with Mel B! (via @peoplemag)!

getfitwithmelb: Check out @OfficialMelB in Milan promoting Get Fit with Mel B! (via @peoplemag)! http://melbgame.com/MDPZU

Get Fit with Mel B Review


Ever since the motion control gaming became a hit with the Nintendo Wii, a plethora of fitness games started popping out. Some have been gimmicky while others actually work such as EA Sports Active on the Nintendo Wii. Sony introduced the PlayStation Move a couple of weeks ago, and its very first fitness game for the hardware is now available. Get Fit with Mel B is a fitness game exclusively made for the PlayStation Move that fully utilizes the PlayStation Eye camera and the PlayStation Move controller.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/aU34w

Get Fit With Mel B. Game

Even though I knew what my goals were with the game, I would test random combinations to see what kinds of exercise plans they gave me. Each one gave me a different workout and so it was nice to see that the goal system actually works instead of being a shallow piece of glamour. I also love that you can customize your own workouts . What can be more balanced than that. Sure, someone out there will just do workouts of nothing but jumping jacks and say, Look how much I exercised! but what can you do? Thats an issue with the user, not the game. http://melbgame.com/QohBq

OfficialMelB: Come get your dance on

OfficialMelB: Come get your dance on http://melbgame.com/zNFxj

OfficialMelB: Ahhhhgood morning my tweeters

OfficialMelB: Ahhhhgood morning my tweeters http://melbgame.com/HPJLd

Sunday, November 21, 2010

getfitwithmelb: Great pic! RT @andreaconsiglio: 19th Nov 2010 - @OfficialMelB at the @getfitwithmelb Press Conference in

getfitwithmelb: Great pic! RT @andreaconsiglio: 19th Nov 2010 - @OfficialMelB at the @getfitwithmelb Press Conference in http://melbgame.com/7W2Bc

body building supplements

what are the best body building supplements http://melbgame.com/sFMa0

Get Fit With Mel B =?unknown-8bit?B?4oA=?= =?unknown-8bit?Q?=93?= Review


Get Fit With Mel B is a great fitness title and one that will really help you if you take it seriously. I know that after going through a couple of workouts that I was a little sore the next morning which meant that I was doing it correctly. In addition to all of that this is a Playstation 3 game and it does have trophies to get so that is even more incentive for people who care about their trophy count. With the release of Playstation Move I am sure we are going to see an influx of fitness games similar to what we have seen on the Nintendo Wii. If you are looking to get in better shape than this is a great first step. It certainly wont replace going to the gym but it is a fantastic supplement to any exercises that you might do there. If you are into fitness titles be sure to give this one a try. Obviously your results will vary depending on how serious you take the goals that you set for yourself in this game. If you stick with the workout program you should see your trophy count going up while getting in better shape at the same time.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/cjmdZ

Get Fit With Mel B. Game


Get Fit with Mel B really is the first exercise game you can use for months or years down the road and still discover something new or see yourself improving. If youre serious about using a video game to get in shape, this is one youll have in your PS3 on a daily basis.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/PE2rN

OfficialMelB: Omg just had the best Sunday roast atbmy friends watching x factor!!!! Body hurts been at dance attic (con

OfficialMelB: Omg just had the best Sunday roast atbmy friends watching x factor!!!! Body hurts been at dance attic (con http://melbgame.com/AficK

OfficialMelB: Damn it I missed factor last night here in the uk,what happened?

OfficialMelB: Damn it I missed factor last night here in the uk,what happened? http://melbgame.com/j1sFw

OfficialMelB: Thinking about you all sitting here doing voice overs for my video game!!!

OfficialMelB: Thinking about you all sitting here doing voice overs for my video game!!! http://melbgame.com/wy81h

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Get Fit With Mel B - Further Your Life In Positive Ways With This Fitness Game


Get Fit With Mel B is the best option out there for getting fit with a video game, the unique progress tracking and workout suggestions in coordination with your set goals really makes the game feel as if you have been given a personally designed workout by a professional fitness trainer. While the initial workout may discourage the average person who is unfamiliar with fitness, it is a game that really wants to help you become fit and tailor the experience around you and your progress over time. With a simple developer patch, nearly all of the aforementioned downsides to Get Fit With Mel B could be eliminated and various features improved upon making it the best fitness game to date on any platform. Anyone looking to improve their overall fitness and further their life in positive ways should strongly consider picking up Get Fit With Mel B.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/z79FS

Get Fit With Mel B. Game


If youre picking up Get Fit with Mel B. youll quickly discover the game is designed to be a long term workout. Trophies are in place that if you do a workout a day, you might get a platinum oh…six months down the road? With so many different goals, and combinations of goals, along with the ability to create your own custom workouts, Get Fit really can be your one stop daily exercise routine. Of course, if you do go that route, youll also want to invest in all the ancillary equipment as well, but you dont have to. http://melbgame.com/4k5JF

OfficialMelB: Check out "it's a scary world" in the uk on channel fiver this Monday yipeeeee now everyone in t

OfficialMelB: Check out "it's a scary world" in the uk on channel fiver this Monday yipeeeee now everyone in t http://melbgame.com/TK7JN

OfficialMelB: Loving Milan guys

OfficialMelB: Loving Milan guys http://melbgame.com/nOkEo

Friday, November 19, 2010

OfficialMelB: Go to you tube and type in melanie b live in Milan 2010 and see me and the end of the clip get a number fo

OfficialMelB: Go to you tube and type in melanie b live in Milan 2010 and see me and the end of the clip get a number fo http://www.getfitwithmelb.com/EN-us/

Get Fit With Mel B - Further Your Life In Positive Ways With This Fitness Game


With all the cool innovations and frustrations that Get Fit With Mel B possesses it factors into the overall opinion of this game minimally when compared to how good of a workout you will get. After completing seven workouts spread over thirteen days I felt as if I was making real progress and the games statistics justified my thoughts. The first workout on a Friday lasted for thirty minutes, when Sunday came around I still felt sore from Friday so I only set it to fifteen minutes (the minimum), I continued again Monday with fifteen minutes and then Wednesday bumped myself up to 20 minutes and continued Friday with that. Prior to this review, again I increased my time to 25 minutes on Monday and then because of time constraints, I bumped myself back down to 15 minutes on Wednesday.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/LZmc9

body building suppliments

alternatives to body building suppliments http://melbgame.com/ZhZ2A

Get Fit With Mel B. Game


Now I realize most of this section has been nitpicky or come off pro-Nintendo/Anti-Sony, but in truth its just me being overly detailed about the flaws in Move itself and also giving you the issues I had with the game and workarounds so that you dont think you are doing some incorrectly or find yourself frustrated with your performance and end up slamming your body down and winding it all around. The overall gameplay is remarkably solid and the lowest overall rating Ive had for a workout has been 85% with a lot of my workouts receiving a 95-97% overall accuracy. Its just a dozen or so exercises out of the 200 in the game that have some severe issues with Move picking them up, but since Ive found ways to work around detection issues and still do the reps correctly (unlike a lot of Wii Fit and EA Sports Active, I can honestly say that my overall experience with Get Fit with Mel B. has been a good one. One big thing I would recommend to Lightning Fish is something I feel should be universal for all exercise games â€" a controller for each hand. Its the only real way to track your progress of both sides of your body. Having it only track your right side only covers half your body. http://melbgame.com/DPWA4

Spice It Up!

Spice It Up! http://melbgame.com/MEN0j

getfitwithmelb: @sarah_jean Congrats! We chose you as our winner! DM us your mailing address and we'll send you your

getfitwithmelb: @sarah_jean Congrats! We chose you as our winner! DM us your mailing address and we'll send you your http://melbgame.com/5tuTB

OfficialMelB: Ohhh and my luggage just arrived but no phone ahhhhhhhh

OfficialMelB: Ohhh and my luggage just arrived but no phone ahhhhhhhh http://melbgame.com/psW73

getfitwithmelb: RT @TheMakeupMan: @OfficialMelB in milan promoting her get fit with Mel B

getfitwithmelb: RT @TheMakeupMan: @OfficialMelB in milan promoting her get fit with Mel B http://www.getfitwithmelb.com/EN-us/

OfficialMelB: Ohhhh thank you to my million fans for coming to say hi to me today,loved your you tube video,thank you my

OfficialMelB: Ohhhh thank you to my million fans for coming to say hi to me today,loved your you tube video,thank you my http://melbgame.com/EHYtH

getfitwithmelb: Rockin'! Would love to see some pics! RT @andreaconsiglio: I'm at a private event to promote @getfitwith

getfitwithmelb: Rockin'! Would love to see some pics! RT @andreaconsiglio: I'm at a private event to promote @getfitwith http://melbgame.com/YqR1D

OfficialMelB: Wow hello milan had dinner last night when I landed at the radetzky in brea district,then early this ,owni

OfficialMelB: Wow hello milan had dinner last night when I landed at the radetzky in brea district,then early this ,owni http://melbgame.com/XlRpX

foods to buy for diets for quick weight loss

what are the best foods to buy for diets for quick weight loss http://melbgame.com/hDw6m

Get Fit With Mel B. Game


Now I realize most of this section has been nitpicky or come off pro-Nintendo/Anti-Sony, but in truth its just me being overly detailed about the flaws in Move itself and also giving you the issues I had with the game and workarounds so that you dont think you are doing some incorrectly or find yourself frustrated with your performance and end up slamming your body down and winding it all around. The overall gameplay is remarkably solid and the lowest overall rating Ive had for a workout has been 85% with a lot of my workouts receiving a 95-97% overall accuracy. Its just a dozen or so exercises out of the 200 in the game that have some severe issues with Move picking them up, but since Ive found ways to work around detection issues and still do the reps correctly (unlike a lot of Wii Fit and EA Sports Active, I can honestly say that my overall experience with Get Fit with Mel B. has been a good one. One big thing I would recommend to Lightning Fish is something I feel should be universal for all exercise games â€" a controller for each hand. Its the only real way to track your progress of both sides of your body. Having it only track your right side only covers half your body.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/ZVjae

getfitwithmelb: Another Follow Friday giveaway! Include us in your and you might just win a signed Get Fit with Mel

getfitwithmelb: Another Follow Friday giveaway! Include us in your and you might just win a signed Get Fit with Mel http://melbgame.com/iwFpT

getfitwithmelb: @justinryler Awesome! How's that for inspiration?

getfitwithmelb: @justinryler Awesome! How's that for inspiration? http://melbgame.com/R30x4

Thursday, November 18, 2010

OfficialMelB: Omg no luggage or phone in Milan,both lost don't you just hate that

OfficialMelB: Omg no luggage or phone in Milan,both lost don't you just hate that http://melbgame.com/68kL7

It's time to get your holiday shopping on! Looking for something for the fit mom? The Gift Guide girls have a great roun

It's time to get your holiday shopping on! Looking for something for the fit mom? The Gift Guide girls have a great roun http://melbgame.com/RxwHG

getfitwithmelb: Check out Get Fit with Mel B in the @giftguidegirls holiday gift guide roundup--For the Fit Mom:

getfitwithmelb: Check out Get Fit with Mel B in the @giftguidegirls holiday gift guide roundup--For the Fit Mom: http://melbgame.com/6IXs4

diets for quick weight loss

planning diets for quick weight loss http://melbgame.com/FrxS9

Get Fit With Mel B - Further Your Life In Positive Ways With This Fitness Game


Other little quirks and issues can be flushed out of Get Fit With Mel B that does in the long run detract from its overall value. While varied and vibrant, the workout locations provided are limited in numbers, the lack of music selection from the PlayStation 3 hard drive is a major letdown, but the music provided gets the job done. An odd head scratcher is that there is only the possibility of one user profile at a time making this truly a one player game. The game is fluent in British English most of which is not common understanding for most Americans examples include; rashes for pieces and press ups for push ups among many others can be found. Finally, the game requires nine feet or more of distance from the TV and your camera to where you will be doing your workouts. Because the camera needs to see the floor and your feet as well as your extended arms this can make for a large space that not everyone may have.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/AOkCO

Get Fit With Mel B. Game

For the most part, Get Fit with Mel B. plays very well indeed. Youll mimic the exercises shown on the screen in time with Mel while holding the Move controller in your right hand. However, there are several very big issues with the game that need to be discussed here. The odd thing is that the problems are not software related, but Playstation Move issues. I can create the same exact custom workout in NewU Fitness First Personal Trainer, and when you compare the two games, you will notice a huge jump in quality as it relates to motion detection with the Wiimote over the Move controller. Now again, after extensive testing of the game I can say with certainty it is a hardware limitation and not the game itself. The Playstation Eye and Move Camera just have some pretty big issues, so what Im going to do is go into detail about these issues and then tell you how to minimize or outright avoid them.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/VT28D

Chris vs. Get Fit With Mel B Day 2


Hotdogs aint no thang to me. See you again tomorrow, with hopefully something new to report on and not more UPPACUTS.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/JScdf

OfficialMelB: @tgirl68 you are mean I'm blocking you!!

OfficialMelB: @tgirl68 you are mean I'm blocking you!! http://melbgame.com/MSRwE

OfficialMelB: London even though you rain a lot,I love you!!!

OfficialMelB: London even though you rain a lot,I love you!!! http://melbgame.com/h9Pcr

OfficialMelB: Good morning london!!! Boo hoo just landed and it's raining!!! Ahhhh damn it!

OfficialMelB: Good morning london!!! Boo hoo just landed and it's raining!!! Ahhhh damn it! http://melbgame.com/OTH0t

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

OfficialMelB: Wow brotha well done!! Fyi your already snatched!!

OfficialMelB: Wow brotha well done!! Fyi your already snatched!! http://melbgame.com/DbobT

OfficialMelB: @MaksimC omg my gash I am devastated,you were robbed!

OfficialMelB: @MaksimC omg my gash I am devastated,you were robbed! http://melbgame.com/H99Ui

OfficialMelB: Did maks get kicked off dwts,please say it's not true!!! Nooooo

OfficialMelB: Did maks get kicked off dwts,please say it's not true!!! Nooooo http://melbgame.com/VfJmV

OfficialMelB: Loving the pic I took a few weeks ago with my aussie gays!!!!

OfficialMelB: Loving the pic I took a few weeks ago with my aussie gays!!!! http://melbgame.com/6b0dx

body building diet

what is a good grocery shopping list for body building diet? http://melbgame.com/4Fi6E

OfficialMelB: Yippeeeee

OfficialMelB: Yippeeeee http://melbgame.com/navTr

getfitwithmelb: RT @shadydevil99: Live In North America and want a chance to win Get Fit With Mel B?

getfitwithmelb: RT @shadydevil99: Live In North America and want a chance to win Get Fit With Mel B? http://melbgame.com/4D9ei

getfitwithmelb: @andreaconsiglio We haven't heard for sure--but she might be around promoting other endeavors ;)

getfitwithmelb: @andreaconsiglio We haven't heard for sure--but she might be around promoting other endeavors ;) http://melbgame.com/ySA37

OfficialMelB: RT @OfficialMelB: Loving my new hair cut and colour from @KimVoHair thankyou kim you are the best ever!

OfficialMelB: RT @OfficialMelB: Loving my new hair cut and colour from @KimVoHair thankyou kim you are the best ever! http://melbgame.com/Rjq8n

OfficialMelB: Loving my new hair cut and colour from @KimVoHair,thankyou kim you are the best ever!

OfficialMelB: Loving my new hair cut and colour from @KimVoHair,thankyou kim you are the best ever! http://melbgame.com/Ew2lm

Get Fit With Mel B Review


When you first start up you have a choice to make. You can either go through Todays Workout or if you dont want to do what they suggest then you can choose your own workout and do things that way. There is also a section where you can chart your progress to see how you are doing and how close you are to achieving the goal you have set. There is also a Nutrition category where it will give you suggestions on what to have to eat based on the goals that you have set. This was a fantastic idea by the development team because not only are they putting you through the exercises but they are giving you advice on what foods to eat too. If you were really serious about getting in better shape than this title will definitely be a great asset. Once it recommends something for your next meal it will tell you the ingredients that you need as well as how to prepare the meal. It also gives you an estimate on how long it should take to prepare this meal so you can make plans to set that aside. If you want to see what other dietary suggestions the game has then you can go into the recipe browser and see if there is anything that interests you.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/s40nY

Get Fit With Mel B - Further Your Life In Positive Ways With This Fitness Game


Another unique item found in Get Fit With Mel B is the nutrition area. As anyone will tell you a good workout will only get you so far, you also have to eat healthy. Get Fit With Mel B offers a nice variety of foods for each of your three daily meals as well as snack and dessert suggestions. The food is very easy to make, using the recipes provided, I cooked a nice scrambled egg breakfast, made a healthy ham sandwich for lunch, and with some variations to the provided recipe enjoyed a healthy piece of salmon for dinner. The nutrition area only goes so far and most, if not all of the games users will not want to turn on the game just to read a recipe. With the PlayStation 3 supporting printing via a network setup a great addition could have been a print option for the recipes to make them more useful for the average user.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/bGDVz

Get Fit With Mel B. Game


Theres a lot of audio comments from Mel B throughout your exercising, most of it consisting of a brief explanation of what you are about to do and which leg or arm to start with. Youll also here a lot of Right, left, right left or Mel counting the reps that you have. Theres no mindless chatter or small talk. The game is pretty damn serious about making sure you exercise, and thats what it needs to be.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/uCBVg

Chris vs. Get Fit With Mel B Day 2


There were a few new variations in todays workout which was nice. But the game still had trouble recognizing my kicks, which is a bummer since I think that is all that is holding me back from getting a gold. I did however get a trophy for doing 10 perfect reps in a row!

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/fQuLS

OfficialMelB: Yes I found my phone,didn't have it for a whole day and actually it was quite re freshing!

OfficialMelB: Yes I found my phone,didn't have it for a whole day and actually it was quite re freshing! http://melbgame.com/caSvP

OfficialMelB: Omg nearly done with my colour!!!! Hell yizzels

OfficialMelB: Omg nearly done with my colour!!!! Hell yizzels http://melbgame.com/IhfWU

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

OfficialMelB: I'm having to tweet from my iPad cos I lost my phone today in my bloody house ahhhh and I still can not fi

OfficialMelB: I'm having to tweet from my iPad cos I lost my phone today in my bloody house ahhhh and I still can not fi http://melbgame.com/hicXc

OfficialMelB: @kimvohair getting my hair done,he created the ombre and he is da man and he's giving me the signature lo

OfficialMelB: @kimvohair getting my hair done,he created the ombre and he is da man and he's giving me the signature lo http://melbgame.com/9RzHK

Chris vs. Get Fit With Mel B Day 2


So as I said before I had to shorten my workout a bit today. I got up late and had to goto class so I dropped the total time down to 20min. I really like that the game allows for you to fully customize what you want to do, and it wont be mad if you have to shorten it down. So I had another round of Combat today. I really wish it was something else, but whatever. Also in an attempt to make the game see me better I mounted the Eye on top of my monitor. So I MacGyverd that camera up there with some masking tape and a bottle cap.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/wAVeU

getfitwithmelb: Check out Get Fit with Mel B on @whattheyplay!

getfitwithmelb: Check out Get Fit with Mel B on @whattheyplay! http://melbgame.com/BLYdj

getfitwithmelb: Mel B of course! RT @fitnessjenna: Which female celebrity do you think will be the "fittest" s

getfitwithmelb: Mel B of course! RT @fitnessjenna: Which female celebrity do you think will be the "fittest" s http://melbgame.com/spX83

fat burning foods diet

what is a good grocery shopping list for fat burning foods? http://melbgame.com/Y26g5

Get Fit With Mel B =?unknown-8bit?B?4oA=?= =?unknown-8bit?Q?=93?= Review


Once the game gets to know you, you can boot it up and, if you choose to do so, go to Todays Workout where it will have a bunch of different exercises for you to do. Mel B will be there the whole time guiding you and showing you the proper way to perform the exercise they have given you. They have a number of different backgrounds for you to choose from ranging from an apartment, Central Park, an Infinity Pool and more. This change of scenery should prevent things from going stale as you can change where you are every day before you begin so you never bored with any one location. Each day your workout routine will be a little different so that you can work on different muscular areas similar to what you would do if you were working out at a gym. Before you start you can set how long you want to work out as well as your goals so that you are always working towards something. As I was going through the motions the Playstation Move seemed to pick up my movements pretty well. It seemed to miss things every once in a while but that could be due to my current set up. Its probably not the most ideal for these types of game. With that said however I did have fun going through the exercises and the Move controller seemed to be pretty responsive. If I can offer one word of advice it would be to make sure that you are firmly gripping the controller before you do any exercises. If you dont the controller might slip out of your hand and injure someone or something.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/OQ3xB

Get Fit With Mel B - Further Your Life In Positive Ways With This Fitness Game


Mel B will continue to encourage you throughout the duration of the workout and offer suggestive tips on how to improve your reps such as get lower or remember to keep those feet spread. At times when you are in the red and have done the workout incorrectly Mel B is slow to respond with suggestive tips. This happened all too often during the first workout and will probably be a cause for discouragement and disuse of the game, but users should just expect to do poorly on the first workout as they try to become familiar with how their movements should work and what is required of them by the game. While most workouts are simple and easy to execute without much hassle there are a few exceptions, twist crunches and diagonal lunges seemed to be the two that were the most troublesome, when doing these workouts incorrectly the suggestions that came from Mel B were of no help and it became very frustrating to understand what was being done wrong. http://melbgame.com/YdOQB

Get Fit With Mel B. Game


Graphics Rating: Unparalleled

Like the graphics, the aural aspects of Get Fit with Mel B. is a hard subject to judge compared to other games. There arent a lot of musical tracks in the games and whats here is meant to be inoffensive background noise as you work out or navigate the menus. Its not like the soundtrack was designed to be as catchy as Castlevania: Symphony of the Night or the title track to The Legend of Zelda. Music really didnt need to be a priority with this title and what is here is serviceable and low key.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/JfGF7

OfficialMelB: RT @Pink: THNKU!!!! RT your the fuck**g best us spice girls have alwways admired you and your music!!! Hel

OfficialMelB: RT @Pink: THNKU!!!! RT your the fuck**g best us spice girls have alwways admired you and your music!!! Hel http://melbgame.com/O4snC

OfficialMelB: Watching @Pink live in sydney holly crap she puts on a good show reminds me up the show we put on in spice

OfficialMelB: Watching @Pink live in sydney holly crap she puts on a good show reminds me up the show we put on in spice http://melbgame.com/1YUTp

OfficialMelB: Just got the jimmy sommers xmas cd sooooo nice!!

OfficialMelB: Just got the jimmy sommers xmas cd sooooo nice!! http://melbgame.com/wpFza

Monday, November 15, 2010

OfficialMelB: Hahaha look what I just found!!

OfficialMelB: Hahaha look what I just found!! http://melbgame.com/txL42

OfficialMelB: I meant donny I thin that's how I spell his name,my bad if not!

OfficialMelB: I meant donny I thin that's how I spell his name,my bad if not! http://melbgame.com/k4kqT

Get Fit With Mel B - Further Your Life In Positive Ways With This Fitness Game


Not everything is perfect however, this is the first fitness game to use the PlayStation Move technology and the game does a poor job of explaining when you actually need to hold the controller and when you can sit it down. Prior to beginning several specific sets the game will pause and tell you, you need the controller, at other times its more of a guess and go and hope that youre holding it correctly. A simple icon on the screen would be a major confusion eliminator for this problem. Mel B is little to no help here as even on the workouts where you do need the controller in your hand, she is not physically holding the controller. The game pushes the idea of working out beside Mel B and being able to mimic her moves to help your workout accuracy but without her actually using the controller in her movements it makes for a few headaches early on.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/3l03M

Get Fit With Mel B. Game


So yes, the game really doesnt have graphics in the way we tend to think of them, but what is here is exactly what an exercise game needs to have. Theres no avatar bending in ways the human body actually cant or some semi-corporal trainer sitting on a balance board incorrectly telling you to do the same. This is actual footage of a real person doing exercises correctly and the ability to watch yourself to ensure you do the same. THATS what matters.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/lj4w0

OfficialMelB: Can't wait for dwts tonight,I gotta do radio about it at 545am in the morning as I'm subbing for donnie ..

OfficialMelB: Can't wait for dwts tonight,I gotta do radio about it at 545am in the morning as I'm subbing for donnie .. http://melbgame.com/ETF3L

OfficialMelB: Green is universal commercial just came on,and I'm like ummm that girl sounds like me,hahaha and it is me!

OfficialMelB: Green is universal commercial just came on,and I'm like ummm that girl sounds like me,hahaha and it is me! http://melbgame.com/ArjND

getfitwithmelb: Could the Spice Girls be performing at the 2012 London Olympics? Mel C wants them to! Check this out:

getfitwithmelb: Could the Spice Girls be performing at the 2012 London Olympics? Mel C wants them to! Check this out: http://melbgame.com/j0wSJ

OfficialMelB: Don't you just love taking a quick 20min power nap?

OfficialMelB: Don't you just love taking a quick 20min power nap? http://melbgame.com/FCdSk

Get Fit With Mel B =?unknown-8bit?B?4oA=?= =?unknown-8bit?Q?=93?= Review


Get Fit With Mel B is one of the first fitness titles available for the Playstation Move. Going into this game I didnt quite know what to expect but I came away happy with what I experienced. When you initially begin this game you need to create your own profile and answer some questions so that the game can build a proper workout regimen for you as well as keep tabs on your nutrition. Once you go through the initial stages you will be brought to the main menu where you have a variety of options to choose from. The development team over at Deep Silver did a tremendous job giving you choice in this title so that you wouldnt get bored by doing the same exercises all of the time.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/tEHZ7

Get Fit With Mel B - Further Your Life In Positive Ways With This Fitness Game


Workouts will vary by how you set your goals, because of my goals; I was given nearly the same type of workouts every time; cardio, fitness, and advance cardio. A combat and dance type of workout are also included, but because of my set goals I was never given a dance workout and only given a combat workout once. After doing the one combat workout I could see why I was almost never given it, I did not feel as if I had accomplished as much as I would have if I was doing a regular fitness workout or cardio. Sure, I felt tired and sore in all the right places but it just didnt get the job done as I had hoped. For this, Get Fit With Mel B knows what it is doing. If you set your goals to something you really want to accomplish and work hard at, you better believe you will. After the initial workout you are given a rating for that type of workout and the game having tracked your progress factors in how well you have accomplished each workout and your own opinion as to if it was too easy, too hard, or just right. This makes for unique progression for the individual who is working out. I found some workouts to be very easy and the game obviously recognized that and it suggested that I should go harder for that specific workout next time, the same also happened for a tough workout, it let me off easy the next time so I could hopefully improve in the future.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/ihaI9

Get Fit With Mel B. Game


My two biggest complaints about EVERY exercise game made so far have boiled down to either the game lacking actual video footage of a person doing the exercise or the ability to see yourself so you can make sure you are doing the reps correctly when compared to the trainer. Well praise whatever deity you worship because Get Fit is the first exercise game to avoid these complaints.
Its hard to really talk about the graphics because the game doesnt really have much in the way of what we normally think of as graphics. Most of the game is high definition video footage of Melanie Brown/Scary Spice/Mel B. doing exercises on the left hand side of the screen while you are shown on the right. Now the game does include the option so dont have to look at yourself exercises, but it would be EXTREMELY STUPID for anyone to do this as this is the only way you can be sure you are doing something correctly. The footage of Mel B. is great as it shows her doing the exercises accurately and in time with a specific beat. You can also click a button at any time to enter tutorial mode with the exercise and just watch it being performed. A few exercises even include close-ups or shots of Mel B. from a different angle so you get a better vantage point in regards to what you should be doing. I wish they ALL had this option, and theres definitely room on the blu-ray disc for this option, but hey, we have two solid steps forward here so Ill be happy with what we have for now at it is huge progress for this genre of gaming.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/exZ83

Chris vs. Get Fit With Mel B Day 2

Unfortunately the game does not support custom soundtracks, or at least not through the XMB. So I turned off the dance music in the options and bumped up the volume on Mel so I could hear her scream UPPACUTS at me some more. http://melbgame.com/INRHG

body building diet

What foods are part of a body building diet http://melbgame.com/kLY2h

OfficialMelB: Omg I'm having a proper "sod it" weekend,i'm now all about my pizza I just put in the oven,marga

OfficialMelB: Omg I'm having a proper "sod it" weekend,i'm now all about my pizza I just put in the oven,marga http://melbgame.com/wXn6c

Sunday, November 14, 2010

OfficialMelB: Thankyou all for tunning in to "it's a scary world" the first season in the US,can't wait to ent

OfficialMelB: Thankyou all for tunning in to "it's a scary world" the first season in the US,can't wait to ent http://melbgame.com/4oGA5

OfficialMelB: Armin mahbanoozadeh just killed it ice skating to avatar,up next adam rippon ohhhh it's getting exciting

OfficialMelB: Armin mahbanoozadeh just killed it ice skating to avatar,up next adam rippon ohhhh it's getting exciting http://melbgame.com/Rwjj5

OfficialMelB: I never realized how much I love watching figure skating,they make it look effortless,wow!

OfficialMelB: I never realized how much I love watching figure skating,they make it look effortless,wow! http://melbgame.com/7pVtl

OfficialMelB: Happy lazy sunday peeps!!

OfficialMelB: Happy lazy sunday peeps!! http://melbgame.com/6jvLI

OfficialMelB: @JonathanCheban hahahaha miss you!!

OfficialMelB: @JonathanCheban hahahaha miss you!! http://melbgame.com/zVlta

OfficialMelB: Ohhh guys your right I should of had crab instead!!! Oh dear!!!

OfficialMelB: Ohhh guys your right I should of had crab instead!!! Oh dear!!! http://melbgame.com/NrBP5

OfficialMelB: @BOBBYNEWBERRY77 hahaha of course you would say that!!

OfficialMelB: @BOBBYNEWBERRY77 hahaha of course you would say that!! http://melbgame.com/ZYTwE

Saturday, November 13, 2010

OfficialMelB: Omg ordered my indian food too hot mouth is on FIRE!! Any one else done that,wow I'm sweating!!

OfficialMelB: Omg ordered my indian food too hot mouth is on FIRE!! Any one else done that,wow I'm sweating!! http://melbgame.com/9bnfG

OfficialMelB: Ok it's the weekend beer and an indian it is,take out here we come!

OfficialMelB: Ok it's the weekend beer and an indian it is,take out here we come! http://melbgame.com/P5QJ8

OfficialMelB: Wine champagne or beer

OfficialMelB: Wine champagne or beer http://melbgame.com/ydIaW

OfficialMelB: Ummm indian food pizza or crab???

OfficialMelB: Ummm indian food pizza or crab??? http://melbgame.com/tyt7Y

Get Fit With Mel B - Further Your Life In Positive Ways With This Fitness Game


In addition to the standard workouts that you can get from the game, if you own workout equipment like an aerobic step, resistant band, ankle weights, or wrist weights you can tell the game that you own them and intend on using them in your workout, once again the game will tailor fit a workout around you and your equipment. The lack of free weights however was somewhat disappointing as many people do own those and you can see where they could be implemented into several of the games workouts.

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how can I cook fat burning foods? http://melbgame.com/wxOrC

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What are the best abdominal exercises http://melbgame.com/NGyG4

Get Fit With Mel B. Game


Overall, Get Fit with Mel B. has the most options out of any exercise game, with the exception of NewU Fitness First Personal Trainer, which is just the Wii version of this game anyway. Everything here is done very well and Im highly impressed. My only complaints are that the nutrition section has taken a step or two back from the original game, and that exercise types are segregated by type and cant be combined into a single workout, but those are minor compared to the actual exercise content itself.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/dAf3r

fat burning foods

what are the best fat burning foods http://melbgame.com/Lb8sy

Get Fit With Mel B. Game


If you dont like the personal workout, you can always choose the option marked Choose Workout. This opens up four options. The first is workout where you choose an exercise type like fitness, cardio, advanced cardio, dance, step, pump and combat. From there the game will give you an exercise plan for the day based on the type you choose and the length of time you want to exercise for. Still not happy? You can choose Custom Workout instead . This is my preferred mode as I can pick and choose exercises I want to do, the amount of reps I want to do and the order I do them in. This ensures I will get the best possible workout from the choices in the game and at the level of challenge I want. The only downside is that you cant mix and match exercises from multiple types into a single workout. After that you have Practice, which lets you try various workouts and challenges which are further broken down into five extreme tests of your physical fitness. Well, the game would say they are extreme anyway.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/FYwpg

Chris vs. Get Fit With Mel B Day 2


I was in a bit of a rush today, so I had to shorten down the length of my workout. Luckily the game allows you to do this without penalty. Before I got into the workout though, I messed around a bit with the options. I wanted to check and see if I could play music from my PS3 HDD, because I like to listen to podcasts while I work out.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/BxkIN

Friday, November 12, 2010

getfitwithmelb: @justinryler Thanks for the ! We've chosen you as our lucky winner! DM us your address to claim your

getfitwithmelb: @justinryler Thanks for the ! We've chosen you as our lucky winner! DM us your address to claim your http://melbgame.com/joyTH

Chris vs. Get Fit With Mel B Day 1


So the game hasnt made me hate working out yet. The way Mel B says some things keeps it interesting. UPPACUTS UPPACUTS UPPACUTS. I will be back again tomorrow with round two.
lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/sNxxL

Get Fit With Mel B - Further Your Life In Positive Ways With This Fitness Game


To give readers more accurate background of my experience with Get Fit With Mel B I offer the following facts: I am a male in my early twenties, who lifts weights regularly three times a week, my weight is average, but I have as anyone would describe, undesirable body fat, and I attempt to eat a well balanced meal three times a day. Interestingly enough, all of these factors actually go into how Get Fit With Mel B tailors a workout to you. After setting up my goals and how I wanted my goals to be prioritized I found the workouts to work perfectly for me, I would feel sore in the areas I knew I needed work the most and I didnt feel as if I was just wasting my time.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/yyy5x

Get Fit With Mel B. Game


After all that is done, youll have the option of your own daily personalized workout. Not only does this workout change from day to day, but when you change your goals, the workouts will be recalibrated to these new goals. This is great and really ensures that you get a workout that is actually customized for YOU and not just things that are thrown horribly together like the 30 day Challenge in EA Sports Active.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/VpOEs

Chris vs. Get Fit With Mel B Day 1


So far I have burned off enough calories to cover a grapefruit, some ice cream, and a cookie. I sort of wished those stars actually counted towards something =(

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/RdORw

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what are the best fat burning foods http://melbgame.com/RMy7N

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how to get a flat stomach after pregnancy http://melbgame.com/PCR5q

OfficialMelB: Thanks guys dec1st it is!

OfficialMelB: Thanks guys dec1st it is! http://melbgame.com/dGhRX

I want a flat stomach like Mel B

How to get a flat stomach like Mel B http://melbgame.com/gcxSc

getfitwithmelb: Happy Friday! Include us in your for a chance to win a Get Fit with Mel B poster signed by @Official

getfitwithmelb: Happy Friday! Include us in your for a chance to win a Get Fit with Mel B poster signed by @Official http://melbgame.com/9nVrC

OfficialMelB: Ok so does anyone no the official day that your supposed to put your tree up and all the decorations?

OfficialMelB: Ok so does anyone no the official day that your supposed to put your tree up and all the decorations? http://melbgame.com/dhYZr

OfficialMelB: Omg xmas decorations already??

OfficialMelB: Omg xmas decorations already?? http://melbgame.com/ly7mP

Get Me Fit Then Mel B!

Get Me Fit Then Mel B! http://melbgame.com/TehTr

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Get Fit With Mel B - Further Your Life In Positive Ways With This Fitness Game


To give readers more accurate background of my experience with Get Fit With Mel B I offer the following facts: I am a male in my early twenties, who lifts weights regularly three times a week, my weight is average, but I have as anyone would describe, undesirable body fat, and I attempt to eat a well balanced meal three times a day. Interestingly enough, all of these factors actually go into how Get Fit With Mel B tailors a workout to you. After setting up my goals and how I wanted my goals to be prioritized I found the workouts to work perfectly for me, I would feel sore in the areas I knew I needed work the most and I didn't feel as if I was just wasting my time.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/VUK7V

Get Fit With Mel B. Game


I'm happy to report that Get Fit With Mel B. has a staggering amount of depth to the game. There are five main modes, each of which has a lot of sub modes. When you first begin the game you'll be scanned in, and unlike Your Shape which only scans you once and then never again, Get Fit scans you each time you workout. From there you'll give your weight, up to two goals you are trying to achieve and what ancillary exercise equipment you have like ankle and wrist weights, an aerobic step, fitness ball and resistance band. Don't worry if you don't have any of those items â€" the game just lets you use them if you do. There are two exercise categories where an ancillary item IS mandatory though. You'll need an aerobic step to do step workouts and weights for Pump ‘N Tone. If you mark you don't have them, you just won't have access to those workouts, which is fine. http://melbgame.com/3MqOc

Chris vs. Get Fit With Mel B Day 1


After finishing and heading back to the main menu, I couldn't contain myself anymore so I had to click on the Your Progress section. It gives you the options on whether to see your stats, medals, or this is where you can change your goals. I will be posting my stats and medals page each day, so here are today's:

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/bfY88

getfitwithmelb: Love it! RT @louievillalobos: The time has come to post my @getfitwithmelb review. Spoiler alert: It's a

getfitwithmelb: Love it! RT @louievillalobos: The time has come to post my @getfitwithmelb review. Spoiler alert: It's a http://melbgame.com/7aHUW

OfficialMelB: Omg how windy is it!!! A bloody tree just feel in my drive way thank god no one was hurt!

OfficialMelB: Omg how windy is it!!! A bloody tree just feel in my drive way thank god no one was hurt! http://melbgame.com/DFqqA

Get Fit With Mel B - Further Your Life In Positive Ways With This Fitness Game


Get Fit With Mel B is not like any other fitness video game out on the market, it sets precedent using the PlayStation Move technology in new innovative ways that are not found on any other Move supported title to date. To start out, your body is scanned by the PlayStation Eye camera to better track your unique movements and give you the best workout recommendation possible by combining your set goals with your weight, age, and gender. This makes Get Fit With Mel B perfect for all ages and sizes of people whether you are a retiree looking to become more agile and health conscious in your later years, a stay at home mother needing to loose a bit of that extra body fat, or like me a young adult male looking to stay fit and loose some extra body fat in those undesirable areas.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/AJHDL

Get Fit With Mel B. Game


Modes Rating: Incredible

So is the first exercise game to utilize the Playstation Move worth investing in, or should you just pick up NewU Fitness First Personal Trainer which is the 85% the same game, but missing a Spice Girl and for the Wii?

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/M1Yw2

2 week abdominal exercises

Best 2 week abdominal exercises http://melbgame.com/qMd8q

Get Fit With Mel B. Game


Now it's time for Get Fit with Mel B.. I have to admit I had to go out and purchase the Playstation Move bundle just to review this game â€" something I had never planned on purchasing because after spending several hours with the setup as a press event Sony had here in Washington D.C., I came to the same conclusion that every major non-gaming centric publication from the Washington Post to the Wall Street Journal had: The Playstation Move is highly underwhelming and the motion detection abilities of the tandem is actually far inferior to a regular Wiimote, much less the Wiimote with Wiimotion Plus. I went out and bought that since Deep Silver sent me a review copy for three reasons: I wanted to make sure people got an actual in-depth (possibly way too long) review of this game, I love Deep Silver because they gave me the Secret Files series and because I truly care about people getting this genre right. Hell, I played this game to a depth that even Aubrey Norris, the PR rep for Deep Silver was shocked by. She's left comments here and there on my Facebook like, OMG! and, You are a MACHINE! as I unlocked trophies 99% of people shouldn't be able to get until they had played the game for a fortnight to a month of hard exercising. For you, the public, I crammed in 36 workouts into roughly a week â€" something none of you should be insane enough to try at home, ESPECIALLY if you don't work out regularly now. Yes my body is sore, but at least you're getting a review from someone who played the game more than 2-3 times (at most) and then wrote a review that was 50% ignorance and 50% Yay! I did ten push-ups! 9/10! Ugh. http://melbgame.com/sNphU

Chris vs. Get Fit With Mel B Day 1


Before you get into the workout you can see what you are going to be doing. My first workout was going to be some cardio kickboxing or as the game calls it Combat. I was fine with this because back in the day I took karate and have a black belt. I was ready to go, but I first had to calibrate the camera. This is rather simple, all you have to do is stand in the outline the game puts on screen. I had a little trouble doing this though as I have a small room, but it didn't seem to hamper my workout too much. So as with any workout you start with a few stretches. I then had 30 min of heart-pounding cardio kickboxing action. I did pretty well for my first time with the game. There was really only one exercise that it didn't pick up me doing, but I was fine with that. I got a silver medal for the workout today! I also had to pick how I felt today's workout went. The options were either too easy, just right, or too hard. I picked just right because I was sweating, but I didn't feel like dying or anything.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/KibaF

best fat burner

what is the best winter fat burner http://melbgame.com/q9K4o

Get Fit with Mel B Now Available


The fine folks over a Deep Silver sent out the word that their PlayStation Move exclusive title Get Fit with Mel B is now available for all. And by all, I mean North America. Yes, that should include Canada.
If I was into the whole fitness thing, I would probably jump all over this. Press release after the jump. http://melbgame.com/2ZjDR

Chris vs. Get Fit With Mel B Day 1


Before I started my first workout the game asked if I had any exercise equipment, while this isn't mandatory, it helps in the workout. I have some resistance bands, so I checked that off. The last thing I had to do was enter my weight. After that BAM, I was ready to go. The main menu is broken off into five different options: Today's Workout, Choose Workout, Your Progress, Nutrition, and Options. The Your Progress option is kind of cool, it has a live feed from the Eye camera. But ignoring my sexiness, I choose Today's Workout and get things rolling.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser http://melbgame.com/OAeVF

Twitter / OfficialMelB