Thursday, November 18, 2010

Get Fit With Mel B - Further Your Life In Positive Ways With This Fitness Game

Other little quirks and issues can be flushed out of Get Fit With Mel B that does in the long run detract from its overall value. While varied and vibrant, the workout locations provided are limited in numbers, the lack of music selection from the PlayStation 3 hard drive is a major letdown, but the music provided gets the job done. An odd head scratcher is that there is only the possibility of one user profile at a time making this truly a one player game. The game is fluent in British English most of which is not common understanding for most Americans examples include; rashes for pieces and press ups for push ups among many others can be found. Finally, the game requires nine feet or more of distance from the TV and your camera to where you will be doing your workouts. Because the camera needs to see the floor and your feet as well as your extended arms this can make for a large space that not everyone may have.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser

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