Friday, November 19, 2010

Get Fit With Mel B - Further Your Life In Positive Ways With This Fitness Game

With all the cool innovations and frustrations that Get Fit With Mel B possesses it factors into the overall opinion of this game minimally when compared to how good of a workout you will get. After completing seven workouts spread over thirteen days I felt as if I was making real progress and the games statistics justified my thoughts. The first workout on a Friday lasted for thirty minutes, when Sunday came around I still felt sore from Friday so I only set it to fifteen minutes (the minimum), I continued again Monday with fifteen minutes and then Wednesday bumped myself up to 20 minutes and continued Friday with that. Prior to this review, again I increased my time to 25 minutes on Monday and then because of time constraints, I bumped myself back down to 15 minutes on Wednesday.

lose stomach fat, ab workouts, lose belly fat, personal trainer, weight loss, fat burner, belly fat, biggest loser

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